IWA Ally Information

Group Certification & Training.

Organizations "in and out" of the wedding and event industry interested in learning "The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices, Gen Z POV" can contact us for further information.

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Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally, CIWA.

Complete "The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices," and take the CIWA certification exam today!

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Become a Ten-Step Training Facilitator.

Ready to make a difference and help others learn inclusive business practices by teaching The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices.

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Learn, "Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices."

Alliance Allies, and guests, join Ric Simmons, creator of The Ten Steps, weekly on IG LIVE. @inclusiveweddingallies

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INCLUSIVE  Wedding Index

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Inclusive Travel Ally

Hi, I'm Ric Simmons.
Founder and President of The Inclusive Wedding Alliance.

In 2015, my life pivoted to advocating for inclusive awareness when my husband and I were denied wedding services, simply because
we were a same-sex couple. It would not be long before traveling as a same-sex couple would be uncomfortable at times.

As the President and Founder of The Inclusive Wedding Alliance, I created "The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices, Gen Z POV," to educate and coach individuals about inclusive business practices. Now available exclusively for travel professionals seeking inclusive business practice information

Complete "The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices" and become a Certified Inclusive Travel Ally, CITA.

Materials and online certification exam $250.

Click here for more information!


Visibility, be an ally!

Join The Inclusive Wedding Alliance, and
give couple confidence from "Hello.'

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