Step #1 - Become an Alliance Ally, Today!

Self Reflection-

Most individuals would say they are inclusive!

I would say, "Most individuals don't know what you don't know!"

As a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion speaker and publisher, I am often asked how to be more inclusive, so I am aware of the questions circulating throughout the industry.
It's not a question of whether you are inclusive but whether you are knowledgeable about inclusive business practices and whether other peer vendors you’re involved with are also knowledgeable about inclusive practices.


As a member of The Inclusive Wedding Alliance, you give couples, families, and their guests confidence in you and your services.
When you join The Inclusive Wedding Alliance, you’ll receive the
Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices: GEN Z POV.

Choose from one of the Inclusive Wedding Alliance memberships, PARTNER, SPONSOR, or AFFILIATE.

Inclusive Certification:
The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices: Gen Z POV will prepare you for the Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally (CIWA) exam.
The C.I.W.A. exam is included in all memberships.
The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices: GEN Z POV, a digital e-book.
A 12-month digital listing in The INCLUSIVE Wedding Index.
An Inclusive Wedding Alliance membership badge to display on your website and social media platforms.

Meet Ric Simmons

"Welcome, there is a place for everyone." - Ric Simmons, Inclusive Wedding Alliance, President & Founder.

Each member receives "The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices, Gen Z POV." Written and created by Ric Simmons.

Born out of Ric Simmons's personal experience, The Inclusive Wedding Alliance began as a resource for LGBTQIAS+ couples navigating the wedding planning process. After the landmark victory of Obergfell v. Hodges in 2015, same-sex couples were guaranteed their constitutional right to marry in all 50 of the United States. In response, Ric started “My Texas Gay Wedding” and eventually expanded to a national platform with “My Gay Wedding.” He soon realized that despite vendors eager to implement inclusive business practices, few educational resources were available within the wedding industry.

Expanding a twenty-year career in educational training, Ric realized the need for essential inclusive awareness information made available quickly, easily, and affordable.  Ric created “The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices” as a resource on implementing inclusive business practices and the opportunity to become a Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally, CIWA by The Inclusive Wedding Alliance. The only program that teaches you how to be an affirming ally!
‍In February 2023, Ric launched INCLUSIVE, the magazine that celebrates LGBTQIAS+ authentic stories, including The Wedding Index—a resource guide for couples.

Ric serves on the NACE Palm Springs Chapter Board as the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and is also the Chairperson for the NACE National Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.

In 2021, Ric was named Speaker of the Year by the NACE Palm Springs Chapter.
Ric continues to speak at conferences and travel the globe, sharing "The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices."
Please visit our Let's Connect page for more information on booking Ric to speak for your group.


The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices, Gen POV - Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally (CIWA)

Step #1 Become An Alliance Ally Today!
‍Learn about the driving forces behind the mission of The Inclusive Wedding Alliance, beginning with the pivotal moment when it all began. Being an ally takes a commitment of time and effort, but the rewards will change your professional life forever. Find out what it takes to be an alliance ally today.
Step #2 Understanding Inclusivity and Diversity
Learn the meaning of inclusion and what it should look and feel like—understanding diversity and how its values can influence your thinking and add value to any workplace. 
Step #3 The Three ”As” of Inclusivity & Microaggressions
Awareness, Authenticity, and Accountability. Learn the three “A” of inclusive awareness, understanding the microaggressions that affect many individuals, and how to avoid them.
Step #4 Gender & Gender Wedding Norms
When you complete step four, learning about gender won’t be that difficult. Once you understand why wedding norms need to be neutralized, your call to action will be to dismantle them. Learn how to welcome all couples and influence others to practice inclusive business practices by becoming a Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally (CIWA).
Step #5 Learn the Language & Z-Slang
It’s the alphabet soup of diversity! Learn what each letter stands for so you can better understand the LGBTQIAS+ community and gain confidence in using the terms properly. Like all generations, Gen Z is no exception when it comes to having its own words and lingo. Learn the top Gen Z phrases to open the doors of communication with Gen Zers.
Step #6 The Importance of Pronouns
Learn why we must use proper gender pronouns. With a deeper understanding, you’ll gain confidence in using someone’s gender pronouns correctly.
Step #7 Affirming Marketing
Learn how to create a marketing plan to attract LGBTQIAS+ couples and be intentional with your inclusive, affirming marketing actions. Gain the knowledge needed to have a well-rounded marketing plan to attract all couples while developing an effective referral plan.
Step #8 Inclusive Language - Paperwork & Contracts
‍Did you forget to check your intake paperwork, social media platforms, website, brochures, and everything else for inclusive language? Learn how to use gender-neutral language correctly by learning the rules and double-checking your inclusive language.
Step #9 Inclusive Business is Smart Business
Learn what it takes to maximize and increase your profits as an inclusive business. Learn about successful inclusive business practices and how to apply them to your company.
Step #10 The Alliance: My Pledge!
Learn how to impact others through your inclusive actions in the wedding and event industry. By becoming a Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally (C.I.W.A), you gain knowledge of how to influence others to practice inclusive business practices. This will validate your knowledge and elevate your reputation among your peers and clients as a certified inclusive ally among your peers and clients as a certified inclusive ally.

Join The IWA Below
1. Choose Your Ally Membership Below.

1.Alliance Partner

Inclusive Wedding Alliance Partner

Alliance Ally Receives: 

The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices

A Twelve-Month digital listing in The INCLUSIVE Wedding Index.

Alliance Membership Badge.

Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally CIWA
Materials & Badge.

Twelve Quarter-Page Display Ads in INCLUSIVE, the magazine.

Total - $250/annually

Alliance Partner - Click Here

3.Alliance Affiliate

Inclusive Wedding Alliance Affiliate

Alliance  Receives:

The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices

A Twelve-Month digital listing in The INCLUSIVE Wedding Index.

Twelve Full-Page Display Ads in INCLUSIVE, the magazine.

A Twelve-Month Online Profile with images, text, videos, and links on

Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally CIWA
Materials & Badge

Alliance Membership Badge

Total - $1000/year - Ally Sponsor

Click Here
Alliance Affiliate - Click Here

Total - $1,000/year - Ally Af

Alliance Ally Affiliate - Click Here

2.Alliance Sponsor

Inclusive Wedding Alliance Sponsor

Alliance Partner Receives: 

The Ten Steps To Inclusive Practices

A Twelve-Month digital listing in The INCLUSIVE Wedding Index.

Alliance Membership Badge.

Certified Inclusive Wedding Ally CIWA Materials & Badge.

Twelve Half-Page Display Ads in INCLUSIVE, the magazine.

Total - $500/annually

Alliance Ally Sponsor - Click Here



Create a Wedding Business Sponsor Profile

• 1 Featured Image
• 1 main image
• Up to 12 images
• 500 words of supporting text
• Website & email links
• Social media links
• Unlimited category tags
• “Welcome” Instagram announcement
• Reserved Homepage Featured Vendor
• Placement
• Company logo placement on Sponsor Page
• Two Priority annual conference tickets and two VIP Opening Reception tickets.
• Complementary display ad in the annual conference & LGBTQ+ Wedding Directory.

Please complete the Membership Application

Once completed, please email the application with your required documents to

Once received, our membership chairperson will review your social media accounts to evaluate your representation of LGBTQ+ and BIPOC couples according to our board’s approval standards.

We will also take time to answer your questions. All memberships are officially approved by our Board of Directors. Membership credentials will be emailed once approved.

Download Membership Application

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